By Adedamola Adegoke
Hajj is one of the fundamental five pillars of Islam, and it is obligatory on Muslims who can afford it and also in a stable state of mind, and more importantly healthy to perform the rigours of the rites.
It is also a duty to be performed once in a lifetime, and voluntary for those willing to exceed one being stipulated by Allah. However, some Islamic scholars have the opinion that it is preferable to perform Hajj at intervals of five years.
To embark on Hajj, Pilgrims are expected to be righteous, conversant with the dictates and doctrine of the religion, and above all uphold the other pillars of Islam which includes: To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is His messenger, to observe the compulsory congregational prayers dutifully and perfectly, to fast during the month of Ramadan and to pay the obligatory charity (Zakat).
It is an established fact that Hajj purifies sinful soul and makes such souls eligible to receive the mercies of Allah on earth and the day of resurrection.
However, the Divine law warns that whoever has the financial capacity, healthy but does not perform Hajj, then he does (as if he wishes) as a Christian or as a Jewish.
No doubt, Pilgrims who strive in the cause of Allah to perform Hajj “Maburur” that is, a perfect (according to the teachings of the noble prophet Muhammad) Hajj, this is graced with divine acceptance and pleasure.
The highpoint of Hajj rites according to Prophet Muhammad ( SAW), saying “Hajj is Arafat” and it is done when the Muhrums go to the revered Mount Arafat, from the city of Mina with the intention of making prayers and supplications on the 10th day of Dhul Hijja.
It is pertinent for Pilgrims to pay attention to the pillars of Hajj that is Ihram, Say’y, Tawaf and mounting on Arafa, staying at Muzdalifa to observe Eid and listen to sermon by Imam, as well as throwing of pebbles at Jamurat, because Hajj will not be valid if one of the aforementioned is sidelined or omitted.
Taking cognisance of the “Ihram” that is having the intention to perform Hajj. Another one is “Sa’y”, the running from Safa to Marwa back and forth with the aim of worshipping Allah . Tawaf (the Circumambulation) in anticlockwise direction is also an essential activity in which Pilgrims have to turn around the “Ka’ba” for seven rounds.
The mounting on Arafat is vital as Pilgrims across the globe converge for this important Hajj rite from the noon of the Ninth of Dhul Hijja Al till the dawn of the Tenth day. On the 10th day, Muslims across the globe celebrate Eid-ul Adha.
Adedamola Adegoke Ibraheem writes from Ibadan, Oyo State.
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