The Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN), Oyo State chapter has celebrated the 2024 World Hijab Day with female Muslim inmates in Abolongo Correctional Center, Oyo town.
The visit to Abolongo Correctional Center led by the Oyo State Amirah, Dr. (Mrs.) Lateefat Olasumbo Dairo was to mark Hijab Day in the zone while the celebration also featured other activities in other zones across Oyo State.
The Amirah, who encouraged the female Muslim inmates to stay connected with Allah their creator in prayers despite their present predicament, urged them not to lose hope in His mercy.
FOMWAN, as a token of their love for the inmates, gifted items including Hijabs and foodstuffs to the inmates at the Correctional Center.
Also in Ibadan, there was a public presentation on “Hijab, its cultural and religious importance and its multifaceted roles” by FOMWAN youths and representatives of twenty schools which gave the participants including local government Amirahs within the zone the opportunity to reflect on the diverse roles of Hijab in the lives of female Muslims.
In Okeogun area of Oyo State, not less than two hundred and fifty (250) students were sensitized on the theme of this year’s celebration at Okeho/Iganna Grammar School.
It was equally a success story in Igboora where a quiz competition and a lecture on Hijab were held amongst ten secondary schools in the zone while the celebration was also held at Al-Muminat Central mosque, Ebuose area in Igboora.
Highpoints of the celebration across the zones were the free distribution of Hijabs to the participants while sixty copies of the Holy Qur’an donated by Lagelu Local Government FOMWAN Amirah, Hajia Nurat Adekunle were also presented to early arrivals at the programmes.
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