Road Extortion Takes Dimension As FRSC Officers Caught Collecting Bribe Through Bank Transfer

The Nigerian State is, in its natural state, not corrupt and remains the best country in the world! But unfortunately, the species, called Nigerians, have soiled the name, image, reputation, integrity and the entire personality of the country through corruption and various corrupt practices. Nigerians are corrupt but not all Nigerians.

The peak of corruption is reflected in the level of rots witnessed today among our law enforcement agents. In this case, three officers of the Federal Road Safety Corps were nabbed in the web when collecting bribes on the road through bank transfer.

Along Oyo-Ogbomoso road, shortly before the popular Odo-Oba Market, there is a bad section of the road, which naturally makes motorists slow down completely. This affords the officers of the Federal Road Safety Corps to create a permanent office for their daily business, or do we call it a check-point?

So on the 24th February, 2022 at around 9:30am, a trained journalist, journalist trainer and a social observer was driving along this road, he was stopped by Officer Salaudeen, who requested for the car documents of the journalist. The journalist obliged without any hesitation. Officer Salaudeen further requested for the fire extinguisher and “c-caution” after he had inspected the tyres. Officer Salaudeen was satisfied with the tyres, “c-caution”, fire extinguisher and the car documents except the driver’s license.

The driver’s license actually expired on the 23rd February, 2022, the previous day of the journalist’s trip. The journalist explained to Officer Salaudeen that he was supposed to have travelled on the 22nd February, 2022 but was prevented due to some unforeseen circumstances. His plan was to renew his license as soon as he returned to his destination on the 22nd February, 2022, based on his initial plan, since that is where he’s always renewed the license. But unfortunately, Officer Salaudeen did not accept the excuse and turned a deaf ear. He instantly reported the issue to his superior, Officer Ogunjobi.

Officer Ogunjobi, a superior indeed, directed that the journalist’s car be booked and taken to their office in Ogbomoso. The journalist pleaded but all to no avail. Given the personality of the journalist, he eventually concurred to be booked and ready to renew his license in their Ogbomoso office because Officer Ogunjobi claimed that the journalist’s offence is equivalent to 10 points. And according to him, the penalty for the 10 points is N10,000 (ten thousand naira only).

While the journalist requested Officer Salaudeen to advance to their Ogbomoso Area Office for the renewal of the license, the language changed. “What would you like to do so that you can proceed on your trip?”, Officer Salaudeen retorted. The journalist insisted that he was ready to go to their office in Ogbomoso for the renewal of the license.  But there was a deliberate delay by these officers which made the journalist resort to teaching these FRSC officers some lessons of life. The journalist, therefore, told them that “I have no cash on me except N500 (five hundred naira)”. “If that’s the case, we can take transfer” was the swift response of Officer Salaudeen. He quickly informed his superior, Officer Ogunjobi, who was busy with other motorists in their business transaction. Officer Ogunjobi then directed them to collect N4,000 (four thousand naira).

In the process, Officer Moses, came to drop his account details, a Guaranty Trust Bank account. At this instance, it occurred to the journalist to expose their corrupt practice. Therefore, as demanded, a sum of N4,000 (four thousand naira only) was transferred to the GTB account of Adetoye Adefemi Moses, 0218369516. The attached bank transaction receipt is clear evidence. More unfortunately, the journalist, without disclosing his identity, was delayed until Officer Moses received the alert of the transaction! As gathered, the journalist renewed his license on getting to his destination the same day.

This ugly incident is being brought to the attention of the Corps Marshal of FRSC, Dr. Boboye Olayemi Oyeyemi, MFR, mni, for investigation in order to take appropriate punitive measures against these erring and misfit officers.  The tradition of excellence, civility, incorruptibility and professionalism known of FRSC in the days of the past, have all gone into limbo. If this corruption continues unabated, we see a situation where the FRSC officers will be offered poisonous bread on the road as a compromise to due diligence in the line of duty.

We would follow up on this case to ensure that these corrupt officers and misfits bear the nemesis of their action. A copy of this report has already been e-mailed to the Corps Marshall, Dr. Boboye Olayemi Oyeyemi via his official emails on: and and we are waiting to see his line of actions on the matter.

The Nigerian public should watch out as events unfold on this matter.

We would spend our last blood to clean up our beloved country, Nigeria.

Skybold Journalists in action.

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